
Fatigue Risk Management

9 Lessons
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In this course you will learn about Fatigue Risk Management in aviation. You will gain an understanding of why problems occur and what can be done to prevent them. You’ll also appreciate the importance or getting Fatigue Risk Management right. The course material meets the requirements of EASA GM-145.A.30(e)

For companies requiring 30 or more course licences, TATA can also provide a comprehensive course management service, including monitoring, evaluating and planning functions. Companies may wish to utilise TATA’s existing courses, or have a course tailored specifically for their staff training. For all of these cases, and for any other enquiries, please contact TATA so that appropriate course delivery arrangements and fees can be agreed.”

Muhidin Hodzic
Ground Operations Consultant at McKechnie Aviation LTD


Crew member fatigue is now acknowledged as a hazard that predictably degrades various types of human performance and can contribute to aviation accidents and incidents. Fatigue is inevitable in 24/7 operations because the human brain and body function optimally with unrestricted sleep at night. Therefore, as fatigue cannot be eliminated, it must be managed.

Fatigue management refers to the methods by which Operators and operational personnel address the safety implications of fatigue. In general, the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) support two distinct approaches for fatigue management​: a prescriptive approach and a performance-based approach.


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