TATA is pleased to announce the launch of its “Regulatory Update service”. We start the service on Initial Airworthiness (Part-21) topics.
Our new subscription system provides a new ‘update-service’ for the safety regulations applicable to your organisation. Initially launched for Part 21, the service will be rolled out over the coming months for all of the safety and environmental domains covered by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
This service has been designed especially to enable you easily to keep up to date, and to ensure compliance with all the Part 21 regulatory changes issued by EASA. The service will provide you with information regarding the impact the changes will have on your business. It will enable you to assure the Board and your regulatory authority that the company is fully compliant with the safety and environmental requirements issued by the European Commission and the EASA.
The service comprises a twice-yearly on-line video in which we explain the changes in detail and how they affect your organization. In addition, webinars will be provided so that you can join in an inter-active discussion to ask questions, share good practice, and discuss the regulatory changes in more detail.
If there are major developments in the rules between the two regular updates, we will make an extra video description available which can be accessed against a small extra fee for those who have a subscription to the ‘twice-yearly on-line update service’.
The twice-yearly on-line video update service includes updates on Regulations, Bilateral Agreements, Certification Specifications, Acceptable Means of Compliance, Guidance Material, Certification Memoranda and other published policies.
The yearly subscription fee for two on-line videos and two information sessions on the new developments is 500 euro for small companies with < 10 Staff, 1000 euro for medium sized companies with < 100 staff, and 1500 euro for companies with > 100 Staff.